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We present here a partial list of businesses located within fifteen(15) kilometers of La Madeleine Fishing Center and that may offer to you some complementary services at your trip with us.   These businesses were found on Internet from our knowing of the region and also based on their reputation for services of quality.


Centre de Ski Mont Rigaud


Le Festival des Couleurs de Rigaud

Warzone Paintball de Rigaud


Municipalité de Rigaud

Collège Bourget


Auberge des Gallant


Sucrerie de la Montagne

Érablière St-Henri

Sucrerie Lavigne

Au Vieux Moulin de Rigaud

So you may take the advantage of your fishing day to visit these sites !

Have fun !

370 Grande-Ligne, Rigaud,
 Quebec  J0P 1P0
Tel. Center: (514) 975-7962

Brochet de 15 livres capturé au Centre par Sylvain